name is Nelu, I was born in 1947 and I am SWL with the call
YO2-1084/TM from 1968 to 1972. Since 1973 I have been active
as YO2BEH and since April 2003 my call is YO2RR. YO2R is my
contest call in period
2007-2009. The military did it to radio communications.
Until 1990 i worked as an instructor and trainer for school
children who were passionate about radio communications. After
many years of activity, I obtained the Class 1 license .
I started private business since 1990 in the field of civil
and industrial buildings construction, founding the company
S.C. CLUB S.R.L. Since 2008 I am retired and my two boys
continue the business .
I am a member of : YODX CLUB # 139, DIG # 3377, CHC # 1689,
138, SKCC # 5848, PODXS 070 CLUB # 141, CTC # 285, FH # 120,
DMC # 856, EPC # 7088,BCS # 594, OBC # 268, TRC #8 and
others.. In 1986 I was awarded the title International
master of radiosport (Decision) and Badge .
2000 and 2019, every year, I was part of YR0HQ for the IARU
HF World Championship.The 2019 edition was the
last one in which I participated as the operator of this team,
leaving the place
to the younger radio amateurs. In 1981 I passed the exam and
became a
Republican referee
in radio sports. I established with my call over 270.000 QSO's
in CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, SSTV, PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, MFSK16,
HELL, OLIVIA ...( My favorite operating mode is CW and DIGI
mode on HF and SAT) and I have confirmed 349 DXCC(every 340
current entities + 9 deleted and #1 on YO DX CLUB) till now
and over 1250
awards (most in contests) including 10BDXCC +DXCC SAT. In 2016
I obtained HONOR ROLL #1, HONOR ROLL CW, HONOR ROLL PH and Challenge
over 2700 points from ARRL. My second passion is pigeon
racing, which I have been practicing since 1953 when I was 6
years old, and especially racing pigeon competitions.
In 1975 I founded the YO2KHK radio club and until 2019,
I was the only active operator. After this date, he also
started to activate YO2CMI.With this radio station I
estabilished over 22.000 qso's in all modes and I have
confirmed 346 DXCC (338 current entities +8 deleted). YO2KHK
is radioclub #1 on YO DX CLUB. In 2016 I obtained for club
station 8 Bands DXCC + SAT DXCC, HONOR ROLL Mixed and
Challenge 1800 from ARRL.
Until 2020, I frequently participate in international
contests in all working modes.(Usually during daytime in 15m
CW or Digital modes) I achieved 23 first places worldwide,
over 55 second and third places and many first places / YO ,
in 2006 I was awarded the first place , thus becoming champion
at YODXHF. In 2008 I obtained the third place, on 2009
second place and in 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2015, first
place in SO15m at same contest.
We founded PRO RADIO
CONTEST CLUB with its two clubs, PRO CW CONTEST CLUB and
PRO DIGI CONTEST CLUB. These clubs organize two annual
contests for which I am the contest manager, referee and
personal sponsor. All information about these contests can be
found online at the address: https://www.proradiocontestclub.com/
I use the following
equipment: Transceivers: IC-7610
and IC-9700 (for satellite mode), RC-28, Contest Console
for ICOM,
Amplifires: B36 RF-2K5+ , ACOM 2100, HLV-1000 and PALSTAR HF-AUTO Antenna Tuner,
Spid RAK Antenna Rotator for HF antenna, Spid RAS for LEO SAT,
2 x USB
Interface III , LP-100A (Digital SWR & Wattmeter),
BY-2 Bencher paddle, Antenas: LZA-10-5 ( on an ALU-02
telescopic mast installed on the balcony, HM Multi dipole for
80, 60, 40 and 30m, HM Magnetic Loop for 160m, XW-214
and XW-7020 for LEO SAT, UP & DOWN CONVERTER from
KUHNEelectronic for QO-100, GPS and Dish 85cm antenna, CN-901
and MFJ-849 , PC DELL 2.9 GHz/8 GRAM, Win 10 Prof .
PC Programs: Logger32, SatPC32, MMVARI, MMSSTV, KG-STV, MSHV
and I use N1MM+ for
contests.To check the contest logs, I use the QSOTS program.